Need help now?
If you or a veteran needs immediate assistance, help is always available
If this is an emergency
Call 111 if you - or someone you know - are in immediate danger
If you need to talk
If you or someone else is not in immediate danger - but still need to talk - the following organisations can help:
Need to talk? 1737
Lifeline Aotearoa
1737 - Phone or text a trained counsellor
0800 693 438
0800 543 354
0800 726 666
If you need support
Healthline can help you if you're freeling unwell but not sure whether you need to see a doctor. It's staffed by registered nurses who are specialists in assessing and advising over the phone.
Call Healthline on 0800 611 116
Royal NZ Returned and Services Association (RSA)
The RSA honours and supports both current and ex-service members. It can provide financial and other support through its networks in NZ
For assistance for all Service personnel and their families, contact your nearest